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How to Write a One Pager. As your business begins to reach a…

2023-03-14 16:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

How to Write a One Pager

As your business begins to reach a broader audience, you’ll need an arsenal of materials to quickly explain your offering. A one pager allows you to distill several ideas about your products or services into one page, with the goal of getting a customer interested to learn more. Here’s how to write a one pager, plus a sample at the end of this article.

Components of a One Pager

Ensure your one pager is effective by including each of the components below.

#1. One-liner

State your value proposition to explain what you do. Include the central problem that your offering will address, and how your offering solves that problem. If you can solve a critical problem for a customer, you instantly create value for them.


Value Proposition Template: We help X / do Y / doing Z.

Value Proposition Detail: We help [customer in need] / do [remove problem -or- create benefit] / doing [company offering].

Value Proposition Sample: “Acme helps homeowners reduce energy costs on air conditioning through smart motors that attach to existing equipment.”

#2. Product/Services

Summarize your offering. If you have more than 10 products/services to list, trim this down by grouping them into smaller subcategories so as not to lose your audience’s attention (ideally 3 subcategories or less).


#3. About/Our Story

Describe who you are and why you are proficient in delivering the value proposition to your customers. Be sure to quantify what you have accomplished for customers, what the expected return or benefit is for a customer, and your recent awards/accolades.


For 30 years, Acme has helped homeowners reduce energy costs on air conditioning through smart motors that attach to existing equipment — delivering over 50% savings on annual energy bills. Named Airflow Magazine’s Top Cooling Company in 2019, we take pride in reaching over 10,000 customers across the U.S.

#4. Process

Walk your potential customer through the steps it will take to achieve the promised value proposition. Less is more, use bullet points or graphics where possible to reduce real estate.


Step 1: Research — Analyze your airflow feeds.

Step 2: Installation — Enhance your existing equipment.

Step 3: Maintenance — Monitor upgrades with a lifetime guarantee.

#5. Clients/Client References

List customer validation of your work. The more recognizable the reference, the better. Use simple logos or testimonials when possible.


“Acme saved us 50% on our energy bills within 30 days. Hiring them was a great decision!” — Acme Customer

#6. Contact Info

Tell the audience how to buy/use your offering. Generally, this includes instructions on how to get in touch with you. Consider listing only the most immediate way to find you, not all ways — such as email, phone, website, or physical location.


Book Now — [email protected]

[Optional]. Team

If needed for credibility, add 1–3 leaders on your team such as founders or executives. Only list recognizable logos where they’ve worked, a few words about their background, or awards they have received.


After you’ve assembled all components of your one pager, take the extra time to ensure the final version is designed by a professional, has the most important info at the top, and is distributable as print-ready.

One Pager Use Cases

After completing your one pager, there will be several opportunities to use it. Be sure to share its purpose with the team members leading its distribution.

Marketing — Most traditionally, one pagers can be used as a means for promoting or advertising your business to a broad audience, with the intention of increasing sales.Cohesive Messaging — One pagers summarize a clear company message, which is important as your business grows to ensure consistency of your narrative internally and externally. Additionally, streamlined messaging allows your salespeople to verify that you are pursuing the right customer, and those same customers are receptive to your offering.Brevity — One pagers are easy to digest. Given their limited space, they can be used as a succinct way to describe your offering quickly in correspondence. This is important as 55% of people spend less than 15 seconds on a single page of content (Source: Time, 2019).Transferability — Use one pager content for your website and other areas across your business.Iteration — In many cases, one pagers are simpler to edit and update versus a full pitch deck or business plan. This means you can deliver the most up to date or customized information with speed, and at scale.

Create a one pager as a helpful tool in marketing and messaging your offering. Take the time to include the right information to generate more sales and raise awareness of your business.

One Pager Sample

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Kaego Rust is CEO at KHOR Consulting. If you’re looking for help, contact [email protected] or visit

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